Become an influencer in your community.


Manhattan, Kansas
Tuesday August 6, 2024
9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

Hilton Garden Inn
Conference Center
410 S. 3rd


Available to the first 50 participants to register.
Includes lunch and 36-page resource guide.


Building the Leaders of Tomorrow
Listening to Lead 


Become a sponsor!
Receive a color ad in the event resource guide program, logo listing on promo flier, logo listing on registration website.


Morning session begins at 9:00 a.m.

  • Check in
  • Welcome and gathering activity
  • Leadership session, Listening to Lead, Dr. Tom Hawk, former Kansas State Senator

Lunch program

Afternoon session

  • Leader Mentor Circle tables featuring local business, civic, and educational leaders
  • Wrap up and conclusion at 3:30 p.m.

Mentor level-$1,000 sponsorship
• Full page color ad in premium location.
• Public recognition during the event 

Inspirer level-$800 sponsorship:
• Full page color ad

Motivator level-$500 sponsorship:
• Half page color ad

Encourager level-$250 sponsorship:
• Quarter page color ad

Leader Mentor Circles

  • Kristin Brighton, New Boston Creative Group co-founder; former board chair of Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
  • Jurdene Coleman, KS Dept of Education, school mental heath trainer; former president Manhattan Ogden school board.
  • Dave Lewis, Dave Lewis Entertainment and Ad Astra
    Podcast Production; Kansas Broadcaster Hall of Fame
  • Jamie Menon, KSU Research and Extension, Vitality Specialist & Coordinator Kansas Community Empowerment Project
  • Scott Sieben, Hospitality Entrepreneur: KITE’S B&G,
    Rockin K’s and others; advocate for balanced home/work life
  • Harry Watts, Kansas Farm Bureau manager government
    affairs (retired); Key initiator of Chamber of Commerce Established Business Leaders and Mentors Program

Contact Us

Josh Woods
(316) 655-8004